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The Far-Know Story


Far Know was founded by two friends who shared a passion for brand and e-commerce and had 25+ years of corporate experience. With their combined knowledge and expertise, they wanted to do things differently by getting products to market faster, cheaper, and better than what was currently offered.

Purpose and Vision

Our Purpose is "Positively contribute to our world, one tribe at a time" which we believe we can achieve with our Vision "To donate more profits than we take".


At Far Know, we believe in sharing our profits with our people, families, and community, and as we grow, we want those around us to grow with us. Our purpose is to positively contribute to our world, one tribe at a time, and we aim to achieve this through our vision of donating more profits than we take.

To fulfill this vision, we use the profits from Far Know to fund a social enterprise that operates like a business, but instead of the money going all to the top, it goes to support others. We're fortunate to be able to follow our passion and do something we love, and we're grateful for the helping hands that have supported us along the way. That's why we want to give back and repay all those who have made us who we are today.

Our company name has two meanings: Far represents the journey through life that we take, and Know represents the knowledge we acquire through that journey. It's also phonetically similar to "Family" in Maori, reflecting our belief in the importance of community and relationships.

At Far Know we're committed to doing things differently, to making a positive impact on our world, and to empowering those around us. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.




Co Founder and Chief of Content

20+ Years in Video Production

TV Executive Producer

Baker extraordinaire


Co Founder and Chief Dreamer

20 years Brand & Marketing Experience

Facebooker, Senior Business Leader, Espresso Drinker


Operations Manager

Master of all things Digital

He gets shit done


The Crew

Where the Magic happens

Developers, Digital Marketers

Sourcers, Analysts

Kept locked in a dark room 

Our Logo


Inspired from the Māori (New Zealand) culture our logo takes in three beautiful and powerful designs and merges them into one


The Koru takes its shapes from the new shoots of the silver fern.  It represents peace, personal growth, positive change, awakening and new beginnings.

The Infinity Loop refers to the bond between people community and cultures rather than individuals.  Traditionally this was given as an offering of friendship between tribes

The Closed Circle represents the never ending circle of life and nature, and the belief it has no beginning or end.

With the Koru and Infinity Loop enclosed within the circle it links our actions today, with our role we play in life.


Our Logo truely reflects the beliefs, ethics and values of our company and how we conduct our business going forward.

Far-Know Limited

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